
Protocol documentation for the PendingWithdrawal.sol smart contract.

Contract Overview


  • ReentrancyGuard & Ownable from OpenZeppelin

  • Also imports IERC20 interface from OpenZeppelin which is used in the contract

Author: OffBlocks Team

Description: This contract manages pending withdrawals, allowing a delay period before tokens can be claimed, adding an additional layer of security to the withdrawal process.

State Variables

  • timestamps (mapping(address => uint256)): Maps token addresses to their withdrawal timestamp. It stores the time when a withdrawal can be claimed for each token.


  • ZeroAddress: Triggered when an operation involves the zero address, which is usually invalid.

  • ZeroTokens: Occurs when an operation involves zero tokens, indicating either an invalid operation or that there are no tokens to operate with.

  • WithdrawalDelayNotPassed: Emitted when an attempt to claim a withdrawal is made before the specified delay has passed.

  • CancelTokenWithdrawalFailed: Indicates a failure in the token withdrawal cancellation process.

  • ClaimTokenWithdrawalFailed: Indicates a failure in the token withdrawal claiming process.


  • InitiateWithdrawal: Emitted when a token withdrawal is initiated.

    • Parameters: address indexed token, uint256 delay

  • ClaimWithdrawal: Emitted when a token withdrawal is successfully claimed.

    • Parameters: address indexed to, address indexed token, uint256 amount

  • CancelWithdrawal: Emitted when a token withdrawal is canceled.

    • Parameters: address indexed to, address indexed token, uint256 amount


constructor(address _owner) Ownable(_owner);
  • Description: Initializes the PendingWithdrawal contract with the smart wallet owner's address.

  • Inputs:

    • _owner: The address of the contract owner, typically a user's smart wallet.



function initiateTokenWithdrawal(address _token, uint256 _delay) external nonReentrant onlyOwner;
  • Description: Initiates a withdrawal for a specified token with a delay.

  • Inputs:

    • _token: The address of the token.

    • _delay: The delay before the withdrawal can be claimed.

  • Modifiers: nonReentrant, onlyOwner


function cancelTokenWithdrawal(address _token) external nonReentrant onlyOwner;
  • Description: Cancels a pending withdrawal for a specified token.

  • Inputs:

    • _token: The address of the token.

  • Modifiers: nonReentrant, onlyOwner


function claimTokenWithdrawal(address _token, address _dest) external nonReentrant onlyOwner;
  • Description: Claims a pending withdrawal for a specified token after the delay has passed.

  • Inputs:

    • _token: The address of the token.

    • _dest: The destination address for the tokens.

  • Modifiers: nonReentrant, onlyOwner

Last updated