
API reference for card-related endpoints

Creating and Ordering a New Card for a Customer

A new card for the customer can be created and ordered using the POST endpoint: /customers/{customerId}/cards. This operation creates a new card through our issuance partner with Visa or MasterCard. If a physical card is requested, it also initiates a shipment order to the specified address. Please note that each card is linked to a specific account, and currently, we only support a limit of one virtual and one physical card per customer's account.

Card Entity Updates

Any internal updates to the card entity will be reported through webhook update events. For details on how to set up and manage webhook subscriptions, please refer to Webhooks.

Retrieve Cards for a Specific Account

To retrieve a list of cards associated with a specific account, make a GET request to /accounts/{accountId}/cards.

Retrieve All Cards

To retrieve a list of all cards associated with the programme, make a GET request to /cards. To fetch details of a specific card by ID, use a GET request to /cards/{cardId}.

Retrieve an Individual Card

To retrieve information about an individual card, make a GET request to /cards/{cardId}.

Deactivate a Card

To deactivate a card, use a PATCH request to /cards/{cardId}/deactivate.

Reactivate a Card

To reactivate a previously deactivated card, use a PATCH request to /cards/{cardId}/activate.

Terminate a Card

A card can be terminated using a DELETE request to /cards/{cardId}. This is an irreversible operation, and the card will not be available for new payments. However, it will remain active for pending holds for up to 30 days.

Last updated