
Protocol documentation for the OffBlocksSmartWalletFactory.sol smart contract.

Contract Overview


  • OwnableUpgradeable from OpenZeppelin

  • Also imports IERC20 interface from OpenZeppelin which is used in the contract, as well as OffBlocksSmartWallet contract which is a contract factory deploys in the deploySmartWallet method

Author: OffBlocks Team

Description: This contract serves as a factory for creating and managing OffBlocks smart wallets, which are deployed on EVM chains supporting ERC-4337. It features functionality for creating new smart wallets, handling withdrawals with a delay mechanism, and maintaining a registry of smart wallets to verify their authenticity.


function initialize(address _owner, uint256 _withdrawalDelay) external initializer
  • Description: Sets up the smart wallet factory with an owner and a predefined withdrawal delay.

  • Inputs:

    • _owner: Address of the factory contract owner.

    • _withdrawalDelay: Time delay (in seconds) required between withdrawal operations from smart wallets.

  • Notes: This function initializes the contract and can only be called once during the contract's lifetime.



function deploySmartWallet(address _walletOwner, address _escrow, address _smartWalletFactory, uint256 _salt) external onlyOwner
  • Description: Deploys a new OffBlocks smart wallet with a unique owner, linked to an escrow contract.

  • Inputs:

    • _walletOwner: Address that will own the smart wallet.

    • _escrow: Escrow contract address associated with the smart wallet.

    • _smartWalletFactory: This factory contract address.

    • _salt: A nonce to ensure the uniqueness of the smart wallet deployment.

  • Modifiers: onlyOwner

  • Emits: SmartWalletCreated event upon successful creation.


function updateWithdrawalDelay(uint256 _newDelay) external onlyOwner
  • Description: Updates the withdrawal delay for all smart wallets.

  • Inputs:

    • _newDelay: New withdrawal delay in seconds.

  • Modifiers: onlyOwner

  • Emits: WithdrawalDelayChanged event indicating the new delay.


function batchRegisterSmartWallets(address[] calldata _walletOwners, address[] calldata _smartWallets) external onlyOwner
  • Description: Registers multiple third-party smart wallets to their respective owners.

  • Inputs:

    • _walletOwners: An array of addresses owning the smart wallets.

    • _smartWallets: An array of third-party smart wallet addresses to be registered.

  • Modifiers: onlyOwner

  • Emits: ThirdPartySmartWalletRegistered event for each smart wallet registered.


function batchUnregisterSmartWallets(address[] calldata _walletOwners, address[] calldata _smartWallets) external onlyOwner
  • Description: Unregisters multiple third-party smart wallets from their respective owners.

  • Inputs:

    • _walletOwners: An array of addresses owning the smart wallets.

    • _smartWallets: An array of third-party smart wallet addresses to be unregistered.

  • Modifiers: onlyOwner

  • Emits: ThirdPartySmartWalletUnregistered event for each smart wallet unregistered.


function rescueTokens(address _token) external onlyOwner
  • Description: Allows the owner to rescue ERC20 tokens mistakenly sent to the contract.

  • Inputs:

    • _token: The ERC20 token address to be rescued.

  • Modifiers: onlyOwner

  • Emits: RescueTokens event indicating the successful rescue operation.


function getWithdrawalDelay() external view returns (uint256)
  • Description: Retrieves the current withdrawal delay setting.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256: The withdrawal delay in seconds.


function getIsSmartWallet(address _wallet) external view returns (bool)
  • Description: Checks if a given address is registered as an OffBlocks smart wallet.

  • Inputs:

    • _wallet: The address to check.

  • Outputs:

    • bool: True if the address is a registered smart wallet, false otherwise.


function getSmartWalletsOfUser(address _walletOwner) external view returns (address[] memory)
  • Description: Lists all smart wallets associated with a given owner.

  • Inputs:

    • _walletOwner: Owner whose smart wallets are to be listed.

  • Outputs:

    • address[]: An array of smart wallet addresses owned by the specified user.


function precomputeSmartWalletAddress(address _walletOwner, address _escrow, address _smartWalletFactory, uint256 _salt) external view returns (address)
  • Description: Precomputes the address of a smart wallet before its deployment using the provided parameters.

  • Inputs:

    • _walletOwner: The intended owner of the smart wallet.

    • _escrow: The escrow contract address associated with the smart wallet.

    • _smartWalletFactory: The smart wallet factory contract address (typically this contract).

    • _salt: A unique nonce used to generate the smart wallet's address.

  • Outputs:

    • address: The precomputed address of the smart wallet.


function registerSmartWallet(address _walletOwner, address _smartWallet) public onlyOwner
  • Description: Registers a third-party smart wallet under a specific owner.

  • Inputs:

    • _walletOwner: The owner of the smart wallet.

    • _smartWallet: The address of the third-party smart wallet to be registered.

  • Modifiers: onlyOwner

  • Emits: ThirdPartySmartWalletRegistered event upon successful registration.


function unregisterSmartWallet(address _walletOwner, address _smartWallet) public onlyOwner
  • Description: Unregisters a previously registered third-party smart wallet.

  • Inputs:

    • _walletOwner: The owner of the smart wallet.

    • _smartWallet: The address of the third-party smart wallet to be unregistered.

  • Modifiers: onlyOwner

  • Emits: ThirdPartySmartWalletUnregistered event upon successful unregistration.


  • onlyOwner: Ensures that only the contract owner can invoke the function.


Several events are defined to notify external observers of significant actions within the contract:

  • SmartWalletCreated

  • ThirdPartySmartWalletRegistered

  • ThirdPartySmartWalletUnregistered

  • RescueTokens

  • RescueETH

  • WithdrawalDelayChanged


  • DelayOutOfRange: Triggered when the provided withdrawal delay is outside the allowed range.

  • ZeroAddress: Indicates that an operation was attempted with the zero address, which is often invalid.

  • ZeroTokens: Occurs when a token operation involves zero tokens, which is generally not allowed.

  • NotASmartWallet: Asserts that an address is not recognized as a smart wallet by the factory.

  • ERC20TransferFailed: Signals a failure in transferring ERC20 tokens.

  • ArrayLengthMismatch: Indicates that provided arrays do not match in length, which is usually required for batch operations.

This comprehensive overview covers the essential aspects of the OffBlocksSmartWalletFactory contract, including its purpose, key functions, and the operational context within the Ethereum or compatible EVM blockchain ecosystem.

Last updated