π¦Account States
- an initial Account state. This state is immediately assigned to an entity created using POST /customers/{customerId}/accounts endpoint provided it has passed basic validations (such as whether the input is correct, requested currencies are supported and customer is active). If validations were failed, account is transitioned tofailed
state. At this stage we expect an account challenge to be signed and verified before proceeding to next states. Upon successful challenge verification an entity is transitioned topending
- an Account is being deployed on-chain. Upon completion it is transitioned toactive
is assignedactive
- an Account has been successfully deployed and is ready to be used to issue cards and perform payments. An entity can be temporarily deactivated in case of any issues or if we suspect any illicit activity. In this case an entity is transitioned toinactive
state. You can also deactivate Account yourself using PATCH /accounts/{accountId}/deactivate endpoint. If we have evidence of any illicit activity received through our constant monitoring workflows, an entity is transitioned toclosed
- an Account entity is temporarily deactivated. It can be re-activated again on our end or using PATCH /accounts/{accountId}/activate endpointclosed
- an Account has been closed and is no longer available for our services. This can be done via DELETE /accounts/{accountId} endpoint. This is a final statefailed
- an Account creation request has failed some of the validations. A new request must be submitted. This is a final state
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