πŸ”‘Authorisation States

  • pending - an initial state for an Authorisation. This state is immediately assigned to an Authorisation once an authorisation request has been received and approved. In parallel, we submit on-chain transactions to reserve account funds in an escrow. At this stage we are waiting for capture, release and update requests from a payment network. If an Authorisation has been captures by the merchant, an entity is transitioned to capturing state. If it has been released - to releasing. Authorisation updates will not result in state change

  • capturing - an Authorisation is being captured. We submit necessary transactions on-chain to finalise escrow reservation and start settlement flow. Upon completion, an entity is transitioned to captured

  • captured - an Authorisation has been captured and all necessary on-chain transactions have been processed. This is a final state

  • releasing - an Authorisation is being released. We submit necessary transactions on-chain to release escrow reservation and refund customer's account. Upon completion, an entity is transitioned to released

  • released - an Authorisation has been released and all necessary on-chain transactions have been processed. This is a final state

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