
If you are using Postman, you can fork our Postman collection

This collection includes:


To make calls within Postman you need to:

1. Create a public / private key pair for request signing

To learn more, see Request Signatures

openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out ec-secp384r1-priv-key.pem
openssl ec -in ec-secp384r1-priv-key.pem -pubout > ec-secp384r1-pub-key.pem
2. Request API credentials

To set up your access and begin exploring the capabilities, please contact us at gm@offblocks.xyz.

3. Populate the environment in Postman

On the left pane, you should see "Environments". If you go there, there is one Postman Environment available.

Fill out the values in there (fill the Current Value column) with the values shown in the section below.

When you're done, set this environment as "Active" (meaning it will be used when you try endpoints) by clicking on the checkmark icon next to the environment name, or by selecting it in the dropdown selector in the top-right corner of Postman window.

  • baseUrl: Use https://api.sandbox.offblocks.xyz/v1 to access the Sandbox environment.

  • apiKey: Please reach out to us so that we can provide you with the necessary API credentials.

  • apiSecret: Similarly, contact us to obtain your API credentials.

  • signatureKeyId: This unique identifier (UUID) is used to verify the authenticity of your requests. (see Request Signatures for more details).

  • signaturePrivateKey: This private key is used to sign all outgoing requests, ensuring their authenticity. (See Request Signatures for more details).

Last updated